An actual mani on my actual hand!

To prove to you that I am not some evil robot and a real live human being, here is my left hand wearing the Urban Outfitters Silver Holo polish. Excuse the crude addition of the crown to cover up a boo boo. This polish should have a warning label: “Do not operate a motor vehicle while wearing this polish as accidents may occur from driver distraction”. I took this pic indoors at a restaurant (pendant lighting, probably LED) with a lovely fajita steak quesadilla as a background. *burp*

And she was blinded by the light...

And she was blinded by the light…

My hands are shy. Seriously, i don’t think I could ever use my real camera to photograph my manis-too many pixels! I am kinda digging the camera phone fuzziness that covers up the less than perfect paint job.

Hey there, 2013! How you doin’?

I hope you’re better than I am-I’ve got the flu. This is the last year I forgo a flu shot I’ll tell you that much. But over the Christmas holidays I went back home to visit my parents and discovered a box of old polishes I’d had when I was in high school. Check them out!









Heck yeah, that’s Rimmel Zeitgeist! I’ve been searching for one for ages on eBay or blog sale. Didn’t even remember buying it back in the day-it’s full too!

Lovely new lippy!

I’m usually a neutral lipstick kinda gal. Due to my near Angelina Jolie-sized pucker I don’t like drawing attention to my mouth. Sometimes though, the siren’s call of a red lipstick reels me in and I put away the nudes and the MLBB colors and attempt a red. I think a matte red lip is one of the most badass looks you can pull off so last year I bought MAC Ruby Woo. Love the color but the formula was pure crap. It reminded me of a colored version of Lava soap ( pumice-based clay bar for removing heavy dirt from hands-very popular with mechanics and the like). Trying to apply it was akin to waterboarding for me.

Today while in the local KMart (which always surprises me with getting drug store makeup collections out before actual drugstores) I spotted a Rimmel lipstick display with MATTE lippies. Even better, though her name is on the product, Kate Moss’s busted mug was nowhere to be spotted. I only found one color out of the sea of weird pinks that I wanted-an incredible neutral red. Swatched next to Ruby Woo, it went on like butter compared to the gluestick-esque MAC formula yet still stayed matte. I’m in love!







Above on the left is Kiss of Life compared to MAC Ruby Woo. Can you see how much more creamy the formula is of the Rimmel? This was three strokes of each lipstick. Price-wise, the Rimmel set me back $5.29 before a $2.13 coupon from their rewards program was applied. I don’t actually belong to the KMart Rewards program but when they asked for my phone number I gave my area code and “867-5309” and said my name was Jenny. Works everywhere that one! Thank you Tommy Two Tone 😉


Weekend clearance haulage.


If I ever get re-married and have to move, I have but one humble request. Dear future husband, if you try and relocate me to a town devoid of Rite Aid and CVS I will not go. I’m not even kidding.

There are many things 75% off right now at Rite Aid so Saturday morning the Young One and I went to all three locations in our town and picked up these pretties. The CQ and Color Fever polishes were .75 each and the Petites were .50. The Revlon were a whopping $1.25!


I think Sherer, who manufactures both CQ and Petites brand nail polishes, should get some award for putting the names of the colors on the front of the bottle.


It’s hard to tell from the picture but the 1st bottle, Epic!, has these weird little almost opalescent flakies that are begging to be frankened into something, well, EPIC. I would then rename it “Extra Epic!” or “Epic! Plus” hahaha. And that Color Fever in Daze? Apple green glass fleck magic right there, y’all. Plus the Periwinkle is my fave periwinkle ever. And I can never turn down a pale gray polish for that price.


Wow, focus much? Sorry about that. So, Jelly, Cupid and Cloud

My favorite nail care things

These are the top 4 things I can’t live without when doing my nails. They have made a huge difference in how my nails look and grow-no more peeling, flimsy nails!


Filing with a glass nail file is half of the equation; glass files are so much less damaging than regular nail files. The OPI one on the top left is my favorite for taking down a lot of length and the Nail Tek XL on the top right is wonderful for fine-tuning the edges. The second game-changer for me is Nail Tek’s Foundation II base coat. I’ve tried dozens of other treatments none work like this does. I wish they sold it in bigger bottles! It keeps my nails from peeling and being too bendy. Added benefit is the finish when it dries is matte and very smooth which makes it a perfect base coat. Lastly, the cheapest quick dry top coat out there-New York Color’s Grand Central Station nail polish. Not technically marketed as a top coat but someone on the MUA Nail Board figured out it worked great and a cult following was created. I used Seche Vite before making the switch and have never looked back. You don’t have to thin this stuff like with SV nor does it get stringy. If they discontinue this I will flip my shizz.

Dusty treasures!

When I first got into nail polish the big thing seemed to be finding old polishes at beauty supply stores or nail salons. No one seems too into that any more, maybe because all the good stuff has been found or dustying had become overshadowed by the rise of indie polishes. Here’s what I had found (and lost) and rediscovered yesterday lurking in a corner of a closet. I think I had considered putting them up for sale at some point to they were sequestered away from my regular stash. Then I forgot about them until a few months ago. I saw someone’s picture of their OPI Black Magic Mountain and said, “Don’t I have that?” The search was on! I unearthed them last night from under a box of Christmas decorations along with a bunch of other old stuff that I will get around to posting but these are the prettiest ones.  I have had a change of heart for the time being and will not be selling any of them.

OPI Black Magic Mountain, OPI Pike's Peak-A-Boo Purple, OPI Jasper Jade, OPI Peru-B-Ruby

OPI Black Magic Mountain, OPI Pike’s Peak-A-Boo Purple, OPI Jasper Jade, OPI Peru-B-Ruby

I’ve never opened any of these I don’t think. I really want to wear Jasper Jade for Christmas though! It looks very pine-tree colored. Since they are black label I doubt they smell anywhere near a pine tree though. Peee-ew!

OPI Revved Up & Red-y, OPI  Russian to a Party, OPI Tucumcari Boys-n-Berry, OPI Glacier Bay Blues

OPI Revved Up & Red-y, OPI Russian to a Party, OPI Tucumcari Boys-n-Berry, OPI Glacier Bay Blues

OPI At Your Quebec and Call, OPI Dominant Jeans, OPI Play Til Midnight, OPI Have YOu Seen My Limo?

OPI At Your Quebec and Call, OPI Dominant Jeans, OPI Play Til Midnight, OPI Have You Seen My Limo?

OPI Hey! Get in Lime!, OPI NYPD Beet

OPI Hey! Get in Lime!, OPI NYPD Beet

I left the dust on them and didn’t shake them for dramatic effect. Seriously though, don’t be afraid to poke your head in one of those  strip mall chop shops and ask if they sell polish. Most of them are very nice people; I only encountered one place that I wanted to call immigration on and report them for human trafficking.